Thursday, December 23, 2010

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Manhattan Blowout, 1960

This ink drawing on gessoed fabriano sitting around for months and months - always in the way on top of my scanner or in a stack of fresh sheets. Despite the cool decor and the strange subject - I suppose I put off finishing it due to a general lack of interest. Something about it just puts me to sleep.

But the other day I was sitting at my desk just after a job shipped and the corner was peeking out at me - making me feel guilty. So I scanned her in with heavy eyelids...


Hit her with the flat color. Bored...


And let's not forget the scanned textures and shading. I'm practically nodding off here...


There! She's done. Now go away Ink Drawing of 1960's Underwear Lady & Her Cat Caught Off-Guard By The Eastern Wall of Her Upper-Floor Manhattan Apartment Being Suddenly Blown Out on Gessoed 300 Lb Cold Press Fabriano Paper and never bother me again!


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Central Park West @ 81st Street


Phish T-Shirt


ESPN Magazine

New illustrations for ESPN magazine of Grant Hill and Alex Rodriguez. Very quick turnaround but a very easy job from sketch to finish. Thanks Lou.

First sketches...


Original inks - notice the dope helmet I initially gave A-Rod. Too bad it didn't make the cut.


And when all is said and done...

